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Physical Therapist

Initial Patient Visit

The initial patient visit is integral to forming the right treatment plan. We start with a detailed history of your complaint, followed by a full chiropractic exam and treatment after a debrief of information found. 

Physical Therapy Session

Follow Up Visits

After the initial visit and treatment, we recommend follow up visits to monitor the progress of your condition and make sure everything is healing as intended.

What Goes into an Initial Exam?


History Taking

This is the first part of every good exam. Dr. Pelleteri will go over your new patient intake forms, along with taking a full detailed history on your present complaint.



The meat of the initial visit is the exam. Dr. Pelleteri will start with a quick physical and neurological exam to check for underlying issues that may need extra attention. After that is the Chiropractic exam where Dr. Pelleteri will help narrow down the origin of the complaint


Info and Treatment

After the exams, Dr, P will go over the information found in the exam to explain what the probable cause of the complaint is and treatment options. After the patient is informed and agrees to the treatment, Dr. Pelleteri will treat the complaint using a combination of manual adjustments, muscle work, and rehabilitation exercises. 

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